



  • 总务部 General Affairs Department
  • 人事部 Personnel Department (Human Resources)
  • 会计部 Accounting Department
  • 营业部 Sales Department
  • 营业推进部 Business Promotion Department
  • 销售促进部 Sales Promotion Department
  • 海外事业部 Overseas Department
  • 物资采购部 Supplies or Procurement Department
  • 采购部 Purchasing Department
  • 开发部 Research & Development Department / R&D Department
  • 技术部 Engineering Department
  • 制造部 Manufacturing Department
  • 产品管理部 Product Administration Department
  • 信息系统部 Information Systems Department
  • 出口部 Export Department
  • 公关部 Public Relations Department
  • 宣传部 Advertising Department
  • 企划部 Planning Department
  • 企划开发部 Project Planning & Development Department
  • 法务部 Legal (Affairs) Department
  • 财务部 Finance Department
  • 秘书室 Secretary Office


Which department does Chris work in? 克里斯是哪个部门的?
How many members are in the department? 那个部门有几个人?
Which department is in charge of this project? 这个项目由哪个部门负责?