- “I can’t agree.”与“I couldn’t agree more.”的区别
- “不良品”怎么说?
- “公差范围”怎么说?
- “标准”怎么说?
- 需要采取哪些安全对策呢?
- “改善”怎么说?
- “抽样检查”怎么说?
- 有关“come”与“go”的区别
- 就产品优势提出问题
- “瞬间停止”怎么说?

- We need to prevent contamination in our factory.
Do you have any good ideas? - 我们希望防止工厂污染,有什么好办法吗?

- Hmm, why don't we try introducing static eliminators?
- 这样啊,导入静电消除器怎么样?

- That sounds like a good idea. Ok, can you run some tests and see how much it can improve the cleanness?
- 听起来不错。

- All right, I'll get right on it.
- 明白了。我立刻去处理。

- When you're finished please give me some feedback on the results.
- 结果出来后请告知我。
使用improve的表达还有“improve efficiency(提升效率)”、
“improve productivity(提升生产效率)”等。