- “I can’t agree.”与“I couldn’t agree more.”的区别
- “不良品”怎么说?
- “公差范围”怎么说?
- “标准”怎么说?
- 需要采取哪些安全对策呢?
- “改善”怎么说?
- “抽样检查”怎么说?
- 有关“come”与“go”的区别
- 就产品优势提出问题
- “瞬间停止”怎么说?
“抽样检查”在英语中叫做“random inspection”。
此外,“全数检测”叫做“full inspection”。

- How are you going to inspect our new product?
- 您对本次新产品的检测方法有什么想法?

- I'm thinking of doing a random inspection.
Then if we find any lot with defective products, we'll do a full inspection. - 采用抽样检查,出现问题的批次采用全数检测。

- This is an important product, so chose the number of
products you sample carefully. - 这次的新产品特别重要,也请慎重决定N数。