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“反射型”是reflective type,“透过型”是thru-beam type。

- I'm detecting mirrored objects with a reflective type sensor. But when the mirrored object leans toward different directions, the reflected light doesn't come back to the light receiving section of the sensor, and there are cases that the sensor can't detect it.
- 我使用反射型传感器检测镜面体,但当镜面体倾斜时,反射光有时没回到传感器的接收器,导致无法检测。

- Could it be that you set the sensor vertically?
- 是不是你将传感器垂直安装了?

- What do you mean!? What's wrong with that?
- 什么意思!?这样不行吗?

- When the sensor is set vertically, the sensor receives too much reflected light from the mirrored object. So you should set the sensor at a slight tilt.
- 传感器垂直安装时,从镜面体返回的光量太多。

- I see. I'll try that immediately.
- 这样啊,我马上去试试。

- By the way, a thru-beam type or retro-reflective type sensor can detect an object regardless of the object's surface type. A wide band light type, like a fiber sensor is better for such jobs.
- 顺便告诉你,透过型和回归反射型传感器可以在不受目标物表面状态影响的情况下进行检测。光纤传感器等光范围大的类型比较好哦。