- “反射型”、“透过型”怎么说?
- “产距时间”相关的会话
- “静电”怎么说?
- 演讲中可用的短语集
- “反射率”怎么说?
- “等效产品”怎么说?
- 怎样用英语进行夸奖?
- 投诉时的短语(接收产品)
- “追赶进度”怎么说?
- 总结确认测量相关单词
- Good job! (干得好!)
- I'm counting on you. (全靠你啦。)
- Thank you for your hard work. (感谢你的辛勤工作。)
- I'm proud of you. (我为你感到骄傲。)
- Please continue your good work. (期待你今后也能在工作中有优秀表现。)

- Wang, I heard that you found the cause of the defective LCD (liquid crystal display) panel and took measures quickly to fix the problem. What was the cause of the problem?
- 王工,听说你查明了液晶面板不良的原因,并采取了措施来解决这个问题。那么问题的原因到底是什么呢?

- The glass was cleaned inadequately. The cause of the problem was that the glass cleaning unit had a clogged spray nozzle and the cleaning fluid wasn't being injected properly.
- 是因为玻璃冲洗得不够充分。由于玻璃清洗装置的喷射嘴被堵住了,所以清洗液不能够很好地喷射出来。

- So what measures were taken to fix it?
- 那么,是怎么解决的呢?

- We used a pressure sensor to monitor variations in the spray pressure during cleaning to detect insufficient pressure.
- 我们利用了压力传感器来监测清洗过程中的压力变化,以检测出压力异常的情况。

- I see. Thank you. Please continue your good work!
- 我了解了,谢谢!期待你今后的工作!